Lots of exciting things are happening around the Hughes House these days.
For those of you that don't know, Mark has been hired on at The Home Depot. He will be working as a department head in lawn and garden. It is a step towards more money and power (his words - not mine!). Lawn and garden is the largest department in the store, the biggest money maker and the one with the most changes throughout the year. It is will be a big challenge for him but he will do exceptional at it. The store is brand new and will really be a one of a kind store. The only drawback is that he will be working in Grand Prairie - funny it seems like we all go back to where we started. It is a little bit of a drive but will be worth it in the long run. One of the best things is that he will be off of overnights.
Many of you know that I, too, am on the job hunt. I know that teaching is what I am supposed to do with my life I just don't think that Grand Prairie is where I am supposed to do it at. I am looking closer to home and have some very promising leads that I will write more about later when/if things pan out (don't want to jinx myself). Things work out for a I reason and I think that having a 2nd year under my belt has really allowed me to answer those interview questions much better and just instill in me more confidence. It will be very sad to leave some of the good friends at Crockett but I know that since they are good friends I will still keep in touch with them. We weathered some tough times but that is what brought us together. Others I will not miss (names deleted to protect --- well me). The hardest part is leaving the kids. I have developed bonds with some of them but I know as soon as school is out they will forget about me. It is one of things that they never tell you about in teaching. You attach yourself to these kids for almost 10 months and then they are gone from your life pretty much forever. I equate it to a death almost. Even the bad ones leave a stamp on your heart. Enough with that kind of talk!!! Probably why they call me the pushover!
I will close for now and hope that this finds everyone (is there anyone still out there?) doing well.
P.S. Sorry about the heavy use of parenthesis.